Sharing experiences on displaying exhibition booths that attract visitors

  •  Design & Construction of exhibition booth

Sharing experiences on displaying exhibition booths that attract visitors

Come to the exhibition, what makes the success of a booth is the layout of the booth. Whether your business is big or small, the display of the booth accordingly, eye-catching and attracting visitors is still a very important factor. Gia Long would like to share some tips to help customers have more experience in displaying exhibition booth.

1. Display booths according to the general criteria of the exhibition

The display so that the most outstanding, having its own characteristics is very important. But besides that, customers need to stick with the criteria of the exhibition to be able to display products in accordance with the general purpose of the fair and thereby choose the right products, aiming to the right tastes and needs of visitors.


2. The booth layout is consistent with the location, area and space of the booth

When participating in any exhibition, businesses should also choose for themselves the appropriate location, convenient to attract visitors. The locations that usually get attention and the most visitors are the locations near the main gates of the exhibition, the location near the center. Having a beautiful booth location will help businesses more easily reach customers.

The area of ​​each booth is limited within a certain range. Therefore, when displaying products, businesses need to design and calculate to fit the area of ​​the booth. If the booth area is a little modest, businesses should not display too many products. Displaying too many products will cause confusion, making visitors feel confused with the products. You should only pay attention to the display of products that businesses want to emphasize in the exhibition. Conversely, if the booth has a large area but the business does not make good use of the space, it will be very wasteful. So businesses should design so that they can make the most of the space but still ensure the beauty of the booth.


3. Display products nice and attractive customers

Displaying eye-catching products will contribute to the attraction and meet the tastes of customers. Enterprises can use support items to highlight products such as counters, cabinets, display stands. When arranging business products should be arranged in a logical and scientific way to easily attract the sight of visitors.

In addition to creating beauty for the booth, lighting systems need to be installed in such a way as to create attractive effects for the product.

The way to display products at the exhibition makes a great success for the booth. Hopefully the sharing of Gia Long will help you consult the way to display the most appropriate booth. 

If you have any questions about the exhibition booth design, construction of exhibition booth, exhibition booth staging, designing and constructing showrooms, please contact

Contact information:

Gia Long Advertising & Constructions Co.,Ltd

​158/28/17 Phạm Van Chieu Str, Ward 9, Go Vap Dist, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

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Hotline: (+84) 987 584 017 -  (+84) 976767604

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